Five For...Sticking With It
Inevitably, the crash comes after the high...I was feeling great yesterday, having posted 4 times in 3 days. I was meeting my NaBloPoMo target nicely and feeling very inspired. guessed it. Writer's block. Not an inspiration to be found anywhere. Sigh....
So, I apologize for this post, but I had to decide whether to stick with my commitment to write one post every day this month or not post something unless it was interesting. I chose to stick with my commitment.
It strikes me that there are many times in life where you don't 'feel' like doing something, but commitment overrides lack of inspiration. Any of you who are married for a significant amount of time will know this is true. You don't feel 'lovey' every day and heaven knows, some days 'like' is even a struggle. But you continue doing what you're supposed to do because you made a promise 'for better or worse'.
If I was married to my writing, today would definitely be a 'for worse' day. So I want to say, "thanks for sticking with me!" I look forward to sharing something much more inspirational and interesting tomorrow.
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