Five For...Your Purpose in Life
Do you ever get the feeling that 'someone' is trying to tell you something? Maybe it's something a friend says to you, maybe it's something you read in a magazine or newspaper or in a favourite blog *wink*, maybe a billboard that catches your eye...
I have been having one of those moments for the past few days. Everywhere I turn, someone seems to be talking about their purpose in life and how to achieve it. I know it's a popular topic these days. But it seems significant to me that it has crossed my path in such a cluster, three or four times a day for two days. Could it be...(dare I say it)....a MESSAGE? Is God trying to tell me something?
Those of you who know me will know that this has been something I have wrestled with over the last few years. Maybe it's THAT birthday (40), or maybe it's just my analytical nature. As I've mentioned before, I am a dreamer. It can be a lethal combination, being a dreamer AND being analytical. I have a tendency to get caught up in my own head sometimes. That being said, I have struggled to make the transition from 'going out to work' to 'staying home to work'. I had my first daughter five and a half years ago and it has taken me about five of those years to get comfortable with staying at home to take care of her (and then her two younger sisters) and finding a J-O-B that I can fit around my family.
I know it's a struggle that thousands of you out there share with me. What I am realizing more and more is that it's not really about the job. It's what the job represents. An identity. Specifically, a meaningful identity that OTHERS value. That's right....I've been valuing others' opinions more than my own. What makes it worse is that I've even been valuing strangers' opinions more than my family's and friends' (and certainly more than my own). When I write that on paper, it sounds... so....bad! But I have to face it, it's true.
There was a period in time when I used to answer people who asked me what I do with what I 'used to do' (before I had kids). Somehow, I just couldn't say "I'm a stay-at-home mum." People just don't rate it. Their standard answer would be something like "Oh. Then silence." Talk about a conversation killer! Talk about a confidence killer! I wanted to shout..."but wait, I was a counselor! I used to help people get their lives together! I'm intelligent! I have something to offer the world!" Instead, I'd slink away feeling like a big nothing. I even started to avoid going out to meet new people. I just couldn't face the eventual question that would lead to the scenario I just described.
Thankfully, I am past that now. The thing I wanted to share with you, the MOST IMPORTANT THING is...your purpose in life, your life's purpose, does not necessarily have anything to do with your job. Let me say that again, "Your purpose in life does not have anything to do with your job." It has to do with your contribution to the world around you. Now, you may be lucky enough to have the two coincide, but the two may just as easily be independent of each other. It has taken me a while to realize this.
The quote above by Carl Jung really speaks to me. I need to remind myself of his words every day. Am I kindling light today or am I contributing to the darkness by not giving of myself? Luckily I have been blessed to find my real passion recently. It's writing. Through my writing, I can share inspiration and information with thousands, even millions of people out there. And I'll admit it, getting paid to do it is a wonderful bonus. But I am also kindling light when I take care of my children and husband or make time to spend with friends. I am kindling light when I make my home a nourishing and inviting space for my family and friends. I am kindling light when I make the effort to smile and say hello to someone when I really just want to rush to my destination. I am kindling light when I volunteer to help out at church or school.
So, it seems that I have acheived my purpose in life, at least today.
What a wonderful thought!
Peace to all of you,
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